Dhruv Rathee summoned by Delhi Court in a Defamation Suit: Read order

Dhruv Rathee has been summoned to appear in the South-East,Saket Courts, New Delhi on 6th of August 2024.
The defamation suit has been filed by BJP leader Suresh Karamshi Nakhua claiming that Dhruv Rathee in his recent youtube video has defamed him and damaged his reputation. As per sources, the politician has claimed Rs. 20 Lakhs as compensation from Dhruv Rathee.
The District judge Gunjan Gupta in the judicial proceedings stated:
“Issue summons of the suit and notice of the application u/o 39 Rule 1 and 2 CPC to the defendants, subject to steps by all modes i.e. PF & RC/Speed Post/ Approved Courier including electronic mode for 06.08.2024.
Process be also given dasti, as prayed. Plaintiff is directed to file an affidavit regarding genuineness, authenticity and working of the Whatsapp number and email ID of defendants for service through electronic mode.”
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Click to Read Copy of Judicial Proceedings